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Presenting The Next CRM Platform - StarUp X Webflow Template
Presenting The Next CRM Platform - StarUp X Webflow Template
Presenting The Next CRM Platform - StarUp X Webflow Template
Presenting The Next CRM Platform - StarUp X Webflow Template
Stars - StarUp X Webflow Template
Trusted by 15,000+ users around the world

Find emails for free.
Personalise messages at scale with โšกGPT3

Find email addresses and send personalised messages where your candidates are most active

Google - StarUp X Webflow Template
Facebook - StarUp X Webflow Template
YouTube - StarUp X Webflow Template
Pinterest - StarUp X Webflow Template
Twitch - StarUp X Webflow Template
Webflow - StarUp X Webflow Template
LinkedIn - StarUp X Webflow Template
TikTok - StarUp X Webflow Template
Google - StarUp X Webflow Template
Facebook - StarUp X Webflow Template
YouTube - StarUp X Webflow Template
Pinterest - StarUp X Webflow Template
Twitch - StarUp X Webflow Template
Webflow - StarUp X Webflow Template
LinkedIn - StarUp X Webflow Template
TikTok - StarUp X Webflow Template
Google - StarUp X Webflow Template
Facebook - StarUp X Webflow Template
YouTube - StarUp X Webflow Template
Pinterest - StarUp X Webflow Template
Twitch - StarUp X Webflow Template
Webflow - StarUp X Webflow Template
LinkedIn - StarUp X Webflow Template
TikTok - StarUp X Webflow Template

Powerful features to help you find hires faster

User Information - StarUp X Webflow Template

Find personal email of any LinkedIn profile

Pipeline Management - StarUp X Webflow Template

Send email drip sequence with just 1 click

Personalise all your recruiting messages with AI powered by GPT3

Automatically ask your mutual connections for contact info

Automatically send LinkedIn message and emails in same sequence

Manage all of them via realtime synced Google Sheet

Multi-channel messaging

Send multi-channel hyper-personalised sequences.Choose and order according to your preference.
Currently we allow:
๐Ÿ“ง Email
๐Ÿ‘” LinkedIn InMail
๐Ÿ‘ฅ Asking your mutual connections for contact details
๐Ÿ“ฑ Whatsapp/Text

LinkedIn - StarUp X Webflow Template


Email Tracking - StarUp X Webflow Template



Hyper-personalised outreach powered by GPT3

Ask GPT3 to personalise the outreach by just clicking on โ€œRewrite using AIโ€ button and selecting the mode as โ€œPersonaliseโ€
Along with this, Copilot also personalises on the basis of common experience of any of your colleagues or mutual connections

Higher response rate

Build your own private talent pool

Build a private database via your most trusted engineers (employees/last-round candidates/advisors etc). When they turn their "network sharing" on via our chrome extension, you get access to their network

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We will get back to you within 24-48 hours.
Or you can book directly via
this link.
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