
Alisa Lai

Junior at Cornell University


Years of Experience


cornell university, high technology high school


google, life changing labs, commvault, harvard university, rogue robotics group

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    2020 - 2020


    STEP Intern

    Designed and implemented a web portfolio which utilizes Google App Engine to store user data, Google Translate API to translate comments and Google NLP API for sentiment analysis Collaborated with two other STEP interns to design and implement a recipe search web application which takes an image input, labels the food in the image, and displays a list of similar recipes using info cards which the user can customize Utilized Google App Engine to store user and recipe data, Google Cloud Vision for image analysis and Spoonacular for acquiring recipe information

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    2019 - 2019

    life changing labs

    Software Development Intern

    Designed and implemented an algorithm using supervised learning and natural language processing to analyze the information read from csv in order to group people with similar interests and backgrounds. Developed a python script with Flask framework to access and update an AWS MySQL database. Also designed with Google Calendar API to access target users’ calendars and insert event into open slot.

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    2017 - 2017


    Software Development Mentee

    Designed, built and tested an automated internal company application capable of sending out forms through email and storing the returned data for future analysis. Applied Commvault software to connect and update to SQL database and customized the modules using Java to keeping track and update the list of information that should be sent out with the forms. Wrote and presented a culminating report on the developed application.

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    2017 - 2017

    harvard university

    Student, Web Programming

    Studied the principles and practice of web programming under Professor David J. Malan at Harvard University over the summer. The session begins with a brief introduction to HTML and CSS and quickly transitions to server-side programming with Python and client-side scripting with JavaScript. Topics include Ajax, DOM, event handling, HTTP, MVC, relational databases, and user experience. Projects include web applications with front-end user interfaces (mobile and desktop) and back-end application programming interfaces. Also worked with various APIs including Google Maps, Yahoo news and real-time stock market data.

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    2014 - 2018

    rogue robotics group

    Software Engineer

    Collaborated with a team of passionate high school students to design and manufacture underwater ROVs to complete in the annual MATE ROV competition as well as complete miscellaneous research projects. Assisted the President in the modifications of the scripts that are responsible for the ROV's control systems for better user control. On the side helped set up the robot's various components including tether and topside box in every practice and ensured that there was always enough tether for the driver to move the ROV in a clean manner. Awards: International Competition 4th Place Technical Report | Pennsylvania Regional 2nd Place Champions, 3rd Place Product Demonstration, 1st Place Technical Report


16 Skills

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Application Programming Interfaces (API)



Google App Engine



Natural Language Processing (NLP)



Sentiment Analysis

Software Engineer


Supervised Learning




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    2018 - 2022

    cornell university

    Bachelor's degree

    Computer Science

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    2014 - 2018

    high technology high school