
Allie Breschi

Product @ G2


Years of Experience


general assembly, harvard extension school, denison university


g2, g2, g2, hubspot, hubspot, dold for congress, u.s. house of representatives, dold for congress 2014

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    2023 - Present


    Senior Product Manager

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    2021 - 2023


    Product Manager

    G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 80 million people annually — including employees at all of the Fortune 500 companies — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business.

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    2020 - 2021


    Associate Product Manager

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    2018 - 2020


    Senior New User Experience Specialist

    In my role, I worked at the intersection of Customer Service, Marketing, and Product teams. My goal was to create a better experience for HubSpot’s new invited users through email campaigns, webinars, education training, customer interviews, and overall company alignment. I relied heavily on project management skills, communication, and interdepartmental coordination to highlight customer pain points and data-driven resolutions.

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    2017 - 2018


    Implementation Specialist

    Onboarded and consulted hundreds of HubSpot customers in varies industries and business models on their marketing, sales, and service strategies. Through my role, I gained advanced technical and reporting skills to aid my customers on their KIPs development and long term success metrics. I also took advantage of independent work and contributed to the HubSpot blog (over 145,000 views).

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    2016 - 2017

    dold for congress

    Communications Director

    • Organized communication efforts for the most competitive congressional race in the country • Wrote media advisories, press releases, fundraising e-mails, social media and website content • Leveraged Google paid CRO, website data management, and social analytics to optimize brand visibility • Completed 2 public relation campaign bus tours with press, events, advance logistics, and social media

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    2015 - 2016

    u.s. house of representatives

    Deputy Press Secretary

    • Coordinated public relations for Rep. Dold in Illinois • Developed, pitched and implemented community outreach, media events, and press conferences • Wrote, edited and distributed press releases, social media outreach, and website content • Developed messaging strategies for various policy initiatives • Spoke at various speaking engagements representing Rep. Dold • Evaluated breaking news, legislation, and policy on a daily basis

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    2014 - 2014

    dold for congress 2014

    Management Fellow


4 Skills


Presentation Skills

Product Management

product manager


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    2019 - 2019

    general assembly

    Project Management

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    2018 - 2019

    harvard extension school

    Data-Driven Decision Making; Managing Yourself & Others

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    2010 - 2014

    denison university