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80% of jobs are not advertised. We hunt down the most active jobs across all job sites and curate the most personalised jobs for you to ask referrals

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🤝 Making job search more collaborative

🤝 Ask referrals at scale

No to & fros any longer
Find out which of your friends have worked at an actively hiring company. We scan your connections and match them with our database of actively hiring companies to come up with a list

You can just click a button to automatically send a mail asking for referral to them

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🦸 50% of jobs on job sites are dead jobs

More than 1000 jobs get added every month.
We hit a hard refresh every month. No dead jobs
We constantly keep the jobs list updated

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🤝 Use GPT4 powered AI to send emails to the right person at the hiring company

For each curated job, we also find the right person to contact within the company. You can send an application email to them using ChatGPT to personalise the application

👀 See when your application gets opened

Track the progress of your job search by seeing when you application email gets opened.
Receive accepts or rejects directly in yoru inbox

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How it works?

1. Install Chrome Extension

No sign up required. Just install the chrome extension and let it do its magic

2. See the list of most active jobs & referrals

Easily select out of an automatically generated shortlist

3. Track progress of your job search

See the job search progress

Few of the companies we curate
Apply to more than 5k+ jobs
What Our Clients Say - StarUp X Webflow Template

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit suspendisse nibh facilisis proin nibh iaculis nam potenti ut at nunc auctor eu nibh purus sapien odio sodales ut ridiculus mi vel posuere tellus massa.

Sophie Moore
Head of Sales
What Our Clients Say - StarUp X Webflow Template

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit suspendisse nibh facilisis proin nibh iaculis nam potenti ut at nunc auctor eu nibh purus sapien odio sodales ut ridiculus mi vel posuere tellus massa.

Will Miller
Marketing Manager
What Our Clients Say - StarUp X Webflow Template

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit suspendisse nibh facilisis proin nibh iaculis nam potenti ut at nunc auctor eu nibh purus sapien odio sodales ut ridiculus mi vel posuere tellus massa.

Lily Woods
Sales Manager

What our users say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit viverra malesuada cursus id ullamcorper sit dui sapien nunc vitae eget amet quis turpis massa vivamus non magna sed enim euismod etiam sed tristique semn vitae neque.

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