
Ali Ihsan

CEO at FRAG Games


Years of Experience


georgia institute of technology, aitchison college


frag games, mindstorm studios, confiz, wateen telecom pvt. limited, netsol technologies inc.

Reach out to Ali Ihsan via Email, InMail and SMS drip

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Ali's contact details


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    2013 - Present

    frag games


     Funding: Created the business plan and pitched it to investors  Game Design: Game flow, virtual economy, game mechanics and systems  Producer: Sprint management, estimations, high level architecture and technology  Human Resource Management: Head-hunted, recruited and managed the best 3D gaming talent

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    2011 - 2013

    mindstorm studios

    Senior Game Producer

    o Game Design: Game flow, virtual economy, battle units, game mechanics and systems o Producer: Sprint management, estimations, high level architecture and technology o Product Life-cycle Management: Analytics, reporting, content updates, operations o Interface prototyping: Wire frames for user interfaces focusing on usability on mobile o Community Management: News updates, events, item sales, pulse check, customer support

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    2009 - 2010


    Product Manager

     Documented, designed and managed the implementation of several Mobile Value Added Services (VAS) which are now deployed with all major Operators in Pakistan  Introduced metrics to monitor product performance, measure customer response and analyze product flows  Expanded the product to international markets after exceeding local revenue and distribution goals  Product portfolio secured the 2nd position at the P@SHA Awards in its respective category

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    2007 - 2009

    wateen telecom pvt. limited

    Asst. Product Manager

    - Created the Business Feasibility and Concept Paper for a subscription based Value-Added Service focusing on the internet online gaming segment, Wateen's Online Gaming Service (WOGS). - Product & Customer Life Cycle Management, including Product Development, Sales and Marketing - Designed and conducted training for Customer Support, IT Operations & Sales teams - Designed the technical solution, finalized 3rd party vendors and managed the implementation - Organized the service operations team to handle online community management, trouble-shooting and game server management. - Obtained the license, organized and executed World Cyber Games 2008 Pakistan.

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    2006 - 2007

    netsol technologies inc.

    Software Engineer

    - Designed and developed LeaseSoft CAP Offline solution, supporting integration with CAP - Developed an end-to-end auto leasing and financing solution integrated with custom web-services for scalability and performance, in a team of 4. - Designed and developed a .NET compatible XML framework for rapid web-development, in a team of 4. - Designed and developed an ETL (Extract Transform Load) Tool to transfer data from the legacy LeaseSoft CMS Database into the LeaseSoft RAAD Database. - Designed and developed language localization solution for LeaseSoft RAAD (Research Analysis And Design). - Managed code repository, package structure and database server for LeaseSoft RAAD. - Designed user interface Prototype for LeaseSoft RAAD.


18 Skills



Customer Support



Game Design



Product Development

Product Management

product manager

Project Management


Resource Management




User Experience (UX)


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    2002 - 2006

    georgia institute of technology

    Bachelor of Science

    Computer Science; Human Computer Interaction

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    1995 - 2002

    aitchison college