
Alireza Bonab

Team Lead And Senior Software Engineer at


Years of Experience


moshaveran international business school, practical applied education center of data processing iran university


enklare, ipsos norm, izettle, nivo, farda roshan company, barsa novin ray, taraznegar co., freelancer

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    2021 - Present


    Senior Full Stack Engineer

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    2019 - 2021

    ipsos norm

    Senior Full Stack Engineer

    As a FullStack engineer I lead my team to move from Monolith architecture to Micro Service architecture.

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    2018 - 2019


    Full Stack Engineer

    I joined a core team in iZettle. The team's mission was to provide tools for other product teams in iZettle. One of the projects I seriously involved and learned a lot at that time was a tool to integrated the organization's git repositories with a third party translations service. So the goal was to automate the translation process for the whole product sets.

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    2014 - 2018



    I co-founded a fintech startup in 2014 a personal finance management application. Working in a startup for 4 years gave me a lot of challenges, learnings, and personal growth. In this period I felt true what does it mean to work as Full-Stack because I needed to know different aspects of the product and development, from front-end development to load balancing traffic on the backend and even CI/CD setup.

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    2011 - 2013

    farda roshan company

    Lead Software Engineer

    A line of business application in C#, it used MS-SQL as database and based on Entity Framework. The application basically was designed to handle supply chain, sales, and distribute goods to malls and grocery shops. It was a N-Tier designed application to answer growing and variant business problems.

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    2010 - 2011

    barsa novin ray

    Lead Software Developer

    Design and develop accounting module of a MIS project. Barsa had its own BPMS engine developed in C#, it was also a Data Driven Software. It contained a lot of modules including CRM, sales, supply chain management and also accounting.

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    2007 - 2010

    taraznegar co.

    Software Developer

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    2003 - 2007


    Freelancer Software Developer

    - Design Web Sites for some government and individual companies - Design Applications for some companies mainly start working with c# and and after 4 years i got a deeper insight of programming and software engineering, this part was my start point for the journey, those days helped me to become familiar with C#, Asp.Net and Sql Server.


5 Skills





Software Engineer


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    2012 - 2013

    moshaveran international business school

    One year MBA Degree

    Strategic Management

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    2007 - 2011

    practical applied education center of data processing iran university

    Bachelor's degree

    Computer Software Engineering