
Alison Vannier

Tech Recruiting Manager @ Datadog - We’re hiring!


Years of Experience


iae de paris, iae de paris, universit denis diderot paris vii university paris vii, universit panthon assas paris ii


datadog, datadog, datadog, facebook, venteprivee, audensiel, atos, atos

Reach out to Alison Vannier via Email, InMail and SMS drip

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Email (Verified)






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    2022 - Present


    Tech Recruiting Manager

    Break silos at Datadog!

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    2019 - 2022


    Team Lead - Tech Recruiter

    Break silos at Datadog with my fabulous Tech Recruiting team. I'm wearing several hats : -> People Management (10 people), Project Management (Scalability complexities!) and Leader by example (sourcing and hiring) -> I'm a proud co-lead of our Community Guild (ERG) #rainbowdogs (supporting our LGBTQIA+ community) I used to cover almost all Datadog hiring needs in EMEA and now in charge of All SWE Backend and Data roles. Our scope : EMEA Location : Paris, France remote (Nantes, Lyon, Nice..), Spain (Madrid, Barcelona), Amsterdam, Dublin, London... Remote EU Roles : Software engineer front-end/back-end, Engineering Team lead, Data scientist, Data Engineer, SRE.. Feel free to ping me directly. We're hiring at Datadog! (more than happy to talk about my 27th sport caps, distributed systems, sourcing and tech news)

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    2019 - 2019


    Tech Recruiter

    360 - full cycle Tech Recruiter in charge of Backend profiles for EMEA.

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    2018 - 2019


    Tech Sourcer

    I'm a technical sourcer/recruiter for Facebook London. So please ask yourself: What would I do if I weren't afraid? And then go do it. (Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead) I love challenge. So, what I did, is to choose to make impact in one of the best company in the world. I relocate from Paris to London to join this adventure. I joined the Solutions Engineering team to help them grow and succeed in their very unique mission to shape the future of the Ads market. Half engineer - half entrepreneur & business oriented. my scope of intervention : ALL EMEA My role is to work closely with the business to support their growth by providing a strong sourcing strategy and by building all necessary support to our success. I'm in charge of : - Building a sourcing strategy (and work closely with groups teams) - Talent pipelining (Xray, boolean search strings, Google CSE, scrapping) - Provide consultative advices to business - Being accountable of data/ Analytics with a data driven approach (funnel, conversion rate..) - Market mapping and insights - Prescreens and owner of all the process (from requirements to last stage of the process) - Collaborate with cross functional teams to build qualitative understanding of specific market (Germany, UK, Italy, France, Sweden...) - Side-project about improve sourcing efficiency and organisation inside the team - Referrals, sourceathons, creative sourcing sessions I was Diversity champion and point of contact for Pride@London group. Profiles sourced : Solutions Engineer (senior engineer facing C-level internal & external stakeholders). Scale : Last year, each solutions engineer generated more than 100M euros. - H@ck is a passion + Challenge lover -

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    2016 - 2018


    Senior Tech Recruiter

    I joined in the early stage of the creation of VP Tech brand. I was in charge of building the recruitment strategy and to deliver volume as quick as possible in order to reach our target : 250 new hire in 2017. Guess what ? We did it : more than 270 people joined our IT department. I was in charge of 360 lifecycle and worked on side international projects. I recruited more than 120 people in 18months (backend, distributed systems, frontend, Team Lead, SRE..) Award : Best recruiter 2K17 VP Tech

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    2015 - 2016


    Technical Recruiter

    Tech Recruiter in an early stage startup / consultancy company (on backend profiles mainly).

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    2014 - 2015


    Technical Recruiter

    360 Technical Recruiter on BigData, SOA/ESB, Cloud, Datascience and DataEngineer profiles.

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    2013 - 2014


    Campus Tech Recruiter

    • School partnerships (12 partners) • Responsible for recruitments of 200 trainees, apprenticeship & VIE • Employer branding • Hiring process • Internal blog and communication related to Campus • Event Project management (forum, conference, panel)


20 Skills


Closing Candidates

Data Engineering

Data Scientist


Distributed Systems





Project Management


Research Scientist


Site Reliability Engineering

Software Engineer



Technical Recruiting

technical sourcing


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    2014 - 2015

    iae de paris

    Master 2

    Human Resources Management & CSR

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    2013 - 2014

    iae de paris

    Master 1

    Management of Organisations (Major Human Resources)

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    2010 - 2013

    universit denis diderot paris vii university paris vii

    Licence 3 / Bachelor Degree


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    2006 - 2010

    universit panthon assas paris ii

    Bachelor's degree
