
Allie Glotfelty

Software Engineer 3 at Twilio Inc.

Allie Glotfelty is a highly experienced software engineer with 14.78 years of relevant experience in the field. Currently, she is working as a Software Engineer 3 at Twilio, where she has been working for some time now. Prior to her current position, Allie worked as a Software Engineer 2 a

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Years of Experience


hackbright academy, colby college


twilio, twilio, twilio, twilio, hackbright academy, technovation, city year, white mountain gran fondo cycling challenge to benefit city year, city year, city year, exploration school inc., city year, exploration school inc., exploration school inc.

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    2021 - Present


    Software Engineer 3

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    2018 - 2021


    Software Engineer 2

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    2018 - 2018


    Software Engineer

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    2017 - 2018


    Software Engineer Apprentice

    Hatch the Owl Apprenticeship - Inaugural cohort

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    2017 - 2017

    hackbright academy

    Software Engineering Fellow

    Immersive 10-week full-stack software engineering fellowship with a focus on Python and JavaScript

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    2015 - 2016


    Events and Engagement Director

    - Project managed Technovation's platform development team to successfully launch the new registration, submission and judging web application for 10,000+ participants globally - Led event strategy, planning, and execution for Technovation's week-long World Pitch Summit, engaging 750+ girls, technology professionals, and supporters in a pitch competition, award ceremony, and half day conference - Developed and led Technovation's overall corporate engagement strategy - Responsible for the recruitment, training, and overall success of a community of 2000+ mentors and judges - Managed Technovation’s participation in the CodeGirl documentary, a film by Lesley Chilcott, that documents the journey of high school teams participating in Technovation, culminating in the 2015 World Pitch Summit Show less

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    2012 - 2014

    city year

    Development Manager

    - Led a team of five across all areas of development; supported department strategy and execution against goals - Managed corporate partnerships: Increased corporate sponsor revenue 65% by developing a sustainable process to engage corporate contacts in City Year’s mission - Annual black tie gala: Responsible for event strategy & execution; exceeded financial goal of $250,000 for three years - Facilitated the development training program for 50+ City Year corps members

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    2012 - 2014

    white mountain gran fondo cycling challenge to benefit city year

    Event Director

    - Founded and launched the event, with responsibility for its overall success - Established repeatable fundraising process, totaling $140,000 over two years - Directed a committee of 12 members who helped secure 600+ participants, 45+ sponsors and 225+ day-of volunteers - Extremely high rider satisfaction with Net Promoter Score of 86 in 2013 and 95 in 2014 (scale of -100 to 100)

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    2010 - 2012

    city year

    Development Associate

    - Managed a project leader in charge of site Visitor Program and corps fundraising - Co-managed corporate partnerships, marketing, brand, development training program, and partner presentations - Supported annual black tie gala by securing and managing corporate sponsors, logistics, planning, look and feel, event collateral, auction items and event programming

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    2009 - 2010

    city year

    Development Project Leader

    - Led 50 corps members in raising $20,000 across multiple fundraising initiatives - Directed 100+ people through City Year NH’s Visitor Program, which won the National Clinton Innovation Award - 2010 Comcast Leadership Award Recipient

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    2009 - 2010

    exploration school inc.

    Assistant Dean - Day Program

    - Summer 2009 and 2010 - Responsible for the overall operation and well-being of the Day Program - Supervised 3 Day Directors, 30 Day Advisors and 200 students - Parent liaison for communication about each child’s progress in the program

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    2008 - 2009

    city year

    Corps Member

    - Completed 1700 hours of community service - Provided in-class support to entire seventh grade and intensive tutoring to 10 seventh grade students - Team Leader for two education-based after school programs

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    2007 - 2008

    exploration school inc.

    Day Director

    - Summer 2007 and 2008 - Supervised 15 Day Advisors and 100 students - Responsible for the daily routines and well-being of students and Day Advisors

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    2006 - 2006

    exploration school inc.

    Instructor and Day Advisor

    - Taught two math courses to fourth and fifth grade students and supervised a group of fifth grade day students


28 Skills

community engagement

community outreach


event management

event planning





microsoft excel

non profits

nonprofit organizations


program development

Project Management

prospect research

public speaking

social media

Software Engineer




volunteer management



workshop facilitation

youth development

youth mentoring


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    2017 - 2017

    hackbright academy

    Computer Science

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    2004 - 2008

    colby college

    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
