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How to activate LinkedIn Premium for free in 2024
Dec 25, 2023

How to activate LinkedIn Premium for free in 2024

Discover key insights and tips on activating LinkedIn Premium for free.

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LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network, offers various Premium subscription plans. While these are typically paid services, there are several legitimate ways to access LinkedIn Premium features for free. This article explores different methods to activate LinkedIn Premium at no cost.

1. LinkedIn Premium Free Trial

One straightforward method is to opt for the LinkedIn Premium Free Trial. This trial lasts for one month and is available to all users. You'll need to provide credit card details at the start, but you can cancel the trial at any time during the month without being charged. Remember, you can't initiate another free trial for at least 12 months after your first trial​​.

2. Coupons from LinkedIn Employees

LinkedIn employees often receive free LinkedIn Premium subscriptions for 6 months, which they sometimes share with the community. You can find these giveaways by searching for hashtags like #linkedinpremium or #PlusOnePledge on LinkedIn. Reach out to the employee posting the offer, explaining why you need LinkedIn Premium​​.

3. LinkedIn Premium for Military Veterans

U.S. military veterans are eligible for 12-month access to LinkedIn Premium, thanks to LinkedIn's partnership with SheerID. This offer includes access to Premium Career features and over 16,000 courses, helping veterans transition to civilian life​​.

4. Offers for Students and Graduates

LinkedIn collaborates with educational institutions to provide free LinkedIn Premium access to students and graduates for 12 months. Check if your university is part of this program. Additionally, LinkedIn has partnered with Amazon to offer 6 months of free Premium subscription to Prime Student account holders​​.

5. Visual Studio Dev Essentials Program

If you're a user of Visual Studio Dev Essentials, you're eligible for a one-month LinkedIn Premium Career plan. This offer includes access to LinkedIn Learning courses and does not require a credit card to start the free subscription​​.

6. Special Promotion for Journalists

Qualified health journalists can apply for a free one-year subscription to LinkedIn Premium Business by attending a quarterly LinkedIn for Journalists webinar. Your profile must demonstrate a career in journalism to be eligible​​.

7. Sales Navigator Referral Program

Through the Sales Navigator Referral program, you can get a 2-month free Sales Navigator subscription. This requires a referral from a first-degree connection who isn't currently using any LinkedIn Premium subscription and hasn't used a free trial in the past 12 months​​.

8. LinkedIn Premium Discount

You can get a 50% discount on LinkedIn Premium for 2 months by initiating a subscription cancellation and selecting 'It's too expensive' as the reason. LinkedIn will then offer the discount as an incentive to retain you as a subscriber​​.

FAQs on Activating LinkedIn Premium for Free

Can I get LinkedIn Premium for free more than once?

Generally, LinkedIn allows only one free promotion per account per year. If you have already used a free trial or another promotion, you must wait 12 months before you are eligible for another free offer. Be mindful of this limitation to plan your free access strategically​​.

How do I cancel the LinkedIn Premium free trial to avoid charges?

To avoid charges after a free trial, you must cancel before the trial period ends. You can do this by going to your account settings, selecting 'Manage Premium account,' and then choosing 'Cancel subscription.' It's advisable to set a reminder for yourself as LinkedIn does not typically offer refunds if you forget to cancel​​.

Are students automatically eligible for free LinkedIn Premium?

Not automatically. Students and graduates are eligible for free LinkedIn Premium if their educational institution has a partnership with LinkedIn. Check with your university to see if they are part of this program. Additionally, students with an Amazon Prime Student account may be eligible for a 6-month free subscription through a partnership between LinkedIn and Amazon​​.


Activating LinkedIn Premium for free can significantly enhance your professional networking and career development opportunities. Whether through a free trial, special offers for specific groups, or referral programs, there are several ways to access LinkedIn's premium features without incurring costs. Remember to track any promotions you use and cancel them in time to avoid charges​​.

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