August 26, 2024

Top React Native Interview Questions And Answers

Explore essential React Native interview questions and answers to prepare effectively for your upcoming job interview and showcase your mobile development skills for success in 2024.

Looking to hire a React Native developer or preparing for a React Native interview? This guide is here to help. It provides a list of essential React Native interview questions and answers that cover basic concepts and advanced techniques.

The aim is to help candidates showcase their skills and enable employers to identify skilled professionals in the field of cross-platform mobile app development with React Native.

Whether you are a beginner trying to understand the fundamentals or an experienced developer looking to refresh your knowledge, this collection is your go-to resource for preparing for React Native interviews.

[As you're diving deep into the technical nuances of preparing or conducting a React Native interview, remember, that finding the right talent is just as crucial as asking the right questions. Platforms like can streamline the process by providing access to pre-vetted React Native developers.]

What is React Native?

React Native is a popular open-source framework developed by Facebook for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It was introduced in 2015 to enable developers to create mobile apps that run smoothly on both iOS and Android platforms with a single codebase. React Native leverages the power of React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, to provide a seamless development experience.

Primary Advantages of Using React Native for Developing Mobile Applications

React Native offers several advantages for mobile app development, including:

  • Code Reusability: Developers can write once and deploy across multiple platforms, reducing development time and effort.
  • Component-Based Architecture: This allows for modular and reusable code, making it easier to manage and update applications.
  • Hot Reloading: Developers can see the changes in real-time without recompiling the entire app, speeding up the development process.
  • Rich Ecosystem: Access to a vast library of pre-built components and third-party plugins simplifies adding features and functionalities.

Comparison with Previous Technologies like Cordova and Ionic

Before React Native, frameworks like Cordova and Ionic were popular for cross-platform mobile development. However, these technologies relied on web views, leading to performance issues and a less native-like user experience. React Native, on the other hand, uses native components, providing a smoother and more responsive experience that closely resembles native apps.

How React Native Improves Performance Issues?

React Native addresses performance issues by utilizing native components instead of web views. It communicates with native platform components via a bridge, ensuring that the user interface is highly responsive and feels natural. This approach significantly enhances the app's performance, making it comparable to purely native applications.

Also Read: Questions To Ask Recruiters During Phone Screen Interview

Core Mechanism Involving the React Native Bridge and Native Rendering APIs

The core mechanism of React Native involves a bridge that facilitates communication between the JavaScript code and the native platform. This bridge sends asynchronous messages between the JavaScript thread and the native thread, allowing for smooth interactions and rendering using native APIs. This architecture enables developers to harness the power of native performance while working with familiar JavaScript and React concepts.

Community and Open-Source Aspect of React Native

React Native has a vibrant and active community, with numerous contributors and a wide range of open-source libraries and tools. This community-driven approach ensures continuous improvement, regular updates, and a wealth of resources for developers. The open-source nature of React Native also allows for transparency and collaboration, fostering innovation and making it easier for developers to troubleshoot and share solutions.

Basic React Native Interview Questions

[Prepared with these questions, you're ready to interview top candidates. Enhance your hiring process further by exploring, where you can find and connect with the React Native talent you’re seeking efficiently]

1. What are the differences between React Native and ReactJS?

React Native is a framework for building native mobile apps using JavaScript and React, while ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, primarily for web applications. React Native uses native components for rendering, resulting in a more native-like experience, whereas ReactJS uses virtual DOM to render web components.

2. Can you define Flexbox and mention its most used properties?

Flexbox is a layout model that allows for flexible and efficient arrangements of elements within a container, even when their sizes are unknown. Flexbox's most commonly used properties include flex-direction, justify-content, align-items, and flex-wrap.

3. What are the advantages of using React Native for mobile app development?

Some key advantages include code reusability, hot reloading, a strong community, access to native components, and the ability to write parts of the app using native code for optimal performance.

4. Could you explain the different threads in React Native and their uses?

React Native operates with three main threads: the JavaScript thread (where your business logic runs), the native thread (where native APIs are called), and the UI thread (where UI rendering happens). Each thread handles specific tasks to ensure smooth performance and responsiveness.

5. Are default props available in React Native? How do you use them?

Yes, default props are available in React Native. They are used to define default values for props in a component, which can be overridden by passing different values when the component is used.

6. How do you handle user input in React Native?

User input in React Native can be handled using components like TextInput for text input, Buttons for button clicks, and touchable components like TouchableOpacity for gestures. Event handlers like onChangeText for TextInput and onPress for Button are used to manage the input.

7. Can you explain the concept of State in React Native?

A state is an object that determines the behavior and rendering of a component. It can change over time, usually in response to user actions or events. When the state changes, the component re-renders to reflect the new state.

8. What is Redux in React Native, and what are its components?

Redux is a state management library used in React Native to manage the application's state predictably. Its main components are the Store (holds the state), Actions (describes changes to the state), and Reducers (specify how the state changes in response to actions).

9. What are timers in a React Native application, and what functions do they serve?

Timers in React Native, such as setTimeout, setInterval, and clearTimeout, are used to execute code or functions after a specified time interval. They are useful for creating delays, scheduling tasks, or creating repeating events.

10. How do you debug React Native applications, and what tools are used for it?

Debugging React Native applications can be done using tools like React Native Debugger, Flipper, or the built-in Chrome Developer Tools. These tools allow you to inspect elements, view console logs, and debug JavaScript code.

11. What is Props Drilling, and how can you avoid it?

Props drilling is the process of passing props down through multiple levels of components to reach a deeply nested component. It can be avoided by using state management libraries like Redux or React's Context API to provide a more direct way to access the required props.

12. How is networking handled in React Native, and how do you make AJAX network calls?

Networking in React Native is handled using the fetch API or third-party libraries like Axios for making AJAX network calls. These tools allow you to make HTTP requests to APIs and handle the responses.

13. What are the key points to integrating React Native in an existing Android application?

To integrate React Native into an existing Android application, you need to:

  • Add React Native dependencies to your project.
  • Create a React Native module and register it.
  • Initialize the React Native environment in your Android application.
  • Use the React Native module in your Android code to load and display React Native components.

Intermediate React Native Interview Questions

1. Process of React Native Code to Show the Final Output on the Mobile Screen

React Native code is written in JavaScript and utilizes React components to build a mobile UI. The process involves the following steps:

  • Writing Components: Developers create components using React, similar to how they would for a web application.
  • Bundling: The JavaScript code is bundled together using a tool like Metro bundler.
  • Bridge Communication: React Native uses a bridge to communicate between the JavaScript code and the native platform code. This bridge sends serialized data back and forth.
  • Rendering: On the native side, the platform-specific components (e.g., UIView for iOS, and View for Android) render the UI elements.
  • Display: The final output is displayed on the mobile screen as a native application.

2. Explanation of the Bridge in React Native for Both Android and iOS

The bridge in React Native is a communication layer that allows the JavaScript code to interact with the native platform code. It is responsible for:

  • Serialization: Converting data into a format that can be sent over the bridge.
  • Asynchronous Communication: Enabling non-blocking communication between JavaScript and native code.
  • Native Module Invocation: Allowing JavaScript to call native module methods and access platform-specific features.

For both Android and iOS, the bridge works similarly, though the underlying implementation may differ to accommodate platform-specific nuances.

3. Core Components in React Native and Their Web Analogies

React Native provides a set of core components that are used to build the UI. Some of these components and their web analogies are:

  • View: Similar to a div in HTML, used for layout and styling.
  • Text: Comparable to span or p, used for displaying text.
  • Image: Like the img tag, used for displaying images.
  • ScrollView: Analogous to a scrollable div, used for displaying content that exceeds the screen size.
  • TextInput: Similar to an input tag, used for text input fields.

4. ListView and Its Usage in React Native

ListView is a deprecated component in React Native, replaced by FlatList and SectionList. It was used for rendering a list of items in a scrollable view. For current applications, it's recommended to use FlatList for simple lists and SectionList for sectioned lists.

5. Writing Different Codes for iOS and Android in the Same Code Base

React Native allows developers to write platform-specific code within the same codebase using platform modules and file extensions:

Platform Module: Use to choose a specific code for iOS or Android.

  • File Extensions: Create separate files for each platform with .ios.js and .android.js extensions. React Native automatically picks the right file based on the platform.

6. Touchable Components in React Native: When and Which One to Use

Touchable components are used for handling user interactions like taps. The main touchable components are:

  • Touchable Opacity: Provides opacity feedback and is suitable for most cases.
  • Touchable Highlight: Adds a visual highlight effect and is useful for buttons.
  • TouchableWithoutFeedback: No visual feedback, used when you only need to handle the tap without any visual indication.
  • TouchableNativeFeedback: (Android only) Provides platform-specific touch feedback.

Choose the component based on the desired visual feedback and platform considerations.

7. Explaining FlatList Components, Its Key Features, and a Code Sample

FlatList is a core component in React Native used for efficiently rendering long lists of data. Key features include:

  • Performance: Renders only the items currently visible on the screen, reducing memory usage.
  • Scrolling: Provides smooth scrolling for a large number of items.
  • Header and Footer: Supports adding header and footer components.
  • Refresh Control: Allows for pull-to-refresh functionality.

Code Sample:

react native interview questions: code sample

8. Using Routing with React Navigation in React Native

React Navigation is a popular library for routing and navigation in React Native apps. It provides a way to navigate between screens and manage the navigation stack. To use React Navigation:

  • Install: Add the library to your project using npm or yarn.
  • Setup: Wrap your app in a NavigationContainer.
  • Create Navigators: Define your navigators (e.g., StackNavigator, TabNavigator) and screens.
  • Navigate: Use the navigation prop to navigate between screens.


9. Different Ways to Style React Native Application

Styling in React Native can be done using:

  • Inline Styles: Directly in the component using the style prop.
  • StyleSheet: Using the StyleSheet object for better performance and organization.
  • Styled Components: A library that allows for CSS-like styling in JavaScript.
  • External Libraries: Such as react-native-elements or native-base for pre-built styled-components.

10. Async Storage in React Native: When to Use It and When Not to?

AsyncStorage is used for persistent, asynchronous key-value storage in React Native. Use it when:

  • Storing Simple Data: Ideal for storing small pieces of data like user preferences or settings.
  • Offline Data: Storing data that needs to be accessed offline.

Avoid using AsyncStorage when:

  • Storing Large or Complex Data: Not suitable for storing large amounts of data or complex objects.
  • Sensitive Data: It's not encrypted, so avoid storing sensitive information.

11. The Role of the Interaction Manager in React Native

The Interaction Manager in React Native is used to manage long-running tasks without affecting the responsiveness of the user interface. It allows you to schedule tasks after interactions (e.g., animations, gestures) have been completed. This ensures that the UI remains smooth and responsive.

12. Understanding and Mitigating Random App Crashes in Image-Heavy Applications

Random app crashes in image-heavy applications can be caused by memory issues or inefficient image handling. To mitigate these crashes:

  • Optimize Images: Use appropriately sized images and compress them to reduce memory usage.
  • Use FlatList: Render lists of images using FlatList to ensure only visible images are loaded.
  • Monitor Memory Usage: Use tools to monitor and manage memory usage during development.

13. Implementing Animations for State Changes and Transitions

Animations in React Native can be implemented using the Animated API or libraries like react-native-reanimated. These tools allow you to animate properties like position, scale, and opacity, creating smooth transitions and dynamic effects for state changes in your application.

Advanced React Native Interview Questions

1. Real Cause Behind Performance Issues in React Native and How to Solve Them

Performance issues in React Native often stem from:

  • JavaScript Thread Overload: Heavy computations or excessive rendering can block the JS thread.
  • Bridge Overhead: Frequent communication between the JS and native threads can cause delays.
  • UI Thread Blockage: Complex UI layouts or animations can overload the UI thread.

Solutions include optimizing code, reducing bridge communication, using shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo for render optimization, and offloading heavy tasks to native modules or web workers.

2. Steps to Optimize the Application for Better Performance

To optimize a React Native application for better performance:

  • Use FlatList or SectionList for efficient list rendering.
  • Optimize Images: Resize, compress, and cache images.
  • Reduce Bridge Communication: Minimize data passed between JS and native threads.
  • Code Splitting: Use lazy loading to reduce the initial bundle size.

Use Native Modules: Offload heavy computations to native code.

3. Dealing with Memory Leak Issues in React Native

To deal with memory leaks in React Native:

  • Properly Unsubscribe: Ensure all subscriptions and event listeners are removed in the component lifecycle methods.
  • Optimize State and Props: Avoid unnecessary re-renders and state updates.
  • Use Profiling Tools: Utilize tools like Chrome DevTools or React Native Debugger to identify and fix memory leaks.

4. Storing Sensitive Data Securely in React Native

To store sensitive data securely in React Native:

  • Use Secure Storage: Utilize libraries like react-native-secure-storage or react-native-keychain that provide encrypted storage.
  • Avoid AsyncStorage: Do not use AsyncStorage for sensitive data, as it is not encrypted.
  • Implement Encryption: Encrypt data before storing it and decrypt it when needed.

5. Understanding Network Security and SSL Pinning in React Native

Network security in React Native can be enhanced by implementing SSL pinning, which involves:

  • Validating Certificates: Ensuring that the server's certificate matches a known, trusted certificate.
  • Preventing Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: SSL pinning helps prevent attackers from intercepting and tampering with network traffic.
  • Using Libraries: Libraries like react-native-ssl-pinning can be used to implement SSL pinning in React Native applications.

6. Explaining setNativeProps, Performance Considerations, and Its Usage

setNativeProps is a method in React Native that allows direct manipulation of native view properties, bypassing the React layer. It can improve performance by reducing the need for re-rendering. However, it should be used sparingly, as it can lead to code that is harder to understand and maintain.

7. Optimizing Animations to Make the React Native App Feel Smooth

To optimize animations in React Native:

  • Use the Animated API: Leverage native-driven animations that run on the UI thread.
  • Avoid JavaScript-Driven Animations: These can be less performant and lead to jank.
  • Simplify Animations: Reduce complexity and the number of animated elements.

8. Achieving Native Performance for Some Animations and How It's Done

Achieving native performance for animations in React Native can be done by:

  • Using Native Drivers: Enable the useNativeDriver option in the Animated API to offload animations to the native side.
  • Precomputing Animations: Calculate animation values beforehand to reduce runtime computations.
  • Optimizing Layout: Simplify the view hierarchy and reduce the number of animated components.

9. Using StyleSheet.create: Performance Trade-Offs

StyleSheet.create in React Native is used to define styles outside of the render function, improving performance by:

  • Reducing Object Creation: Styles are created once and referenced thereafter, reducing the overhead of creating style objects on each render.
  • Validation: Validates the styles at creation time, providing early feedback on errors.

However, it can lead to less dynamic styling, as styles are more static and less dependent on component state or props.

10. Ensuring Animations Run Smoothly in React Native Apps

To ensure animations run smoothly in React Native apps:

  • Use Native Drivers: Enable native-driven animations for better performance.
  • Optimize Render Cycle: Minimize re-renders and use shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo for functional components.
  • Profile and Optimize: Use profiling tools to identify bottlenecks and optimize accordingly.

11. Differences and Usage Scenario for Hot Reloading and Live Reloading

  • Hot Reloading: Only updates the changed components without losing the application state. Best used for iterative UI development.
  • Live Reloading: Reloads the entire app on file changes, resetting the app state. Useful for testing overall app changes.

12. Vector Icons in React Native: Installation and Usage

To use vector icons in React Native:

Install: Add a library like react-native-vector-icons.


Link: Link the library to your project (for React Native <0.60).

Usage: Import and use the icons in your components.


13. When and How to Use setNativeProps in React Native

Use setNativeProps when you need to directly manipulate a native component for performance reasons, such as in animations or to avoid unnecessary re-renders. It should be used cautiously, as it bypasses the React reconciliation process.


[In your pursuit of excellence in React Native development, both in knowledge and talent acquisition, integrating resources like into your hiring strategy can make a definitive difference in attracting the right expertise to your team]

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